
Applied-for mark  “BOSS MOC COFFEE, figure”  is being opposed

Grounds: Article 74.2(e) and 112 of IP Law.

Suntory Holdings Limited.; headquartered at 1-40, Dojimahama 2-Chome, Kita-Ku, Osaka-Shi, Osaka 530-8203, Japan (JP)., owner of VN Trademark Registration no.117282 “BOSS,figure”  and no.325310 “BOSS” (the cited marks) currently in effect  in Vietnam for "Coffee; coffee-based drinks; tea;…” in Class 30 and products in other classes has petitioned with the IP Vietnam to oppose  VN TM application no.4-2018-17505 “BOSS MOC COFFEE, figure” (the contested mark”) for "Coffee”  in Class 30 on the grounds that (i) the contested mark is similar to the cited marks in terms of structure, meaning and pronunciation and (ii) the products covered by these marks are the same or similar to each other.

The case is being handled by the IP Vietnam./.

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