
Word Mark vs Design Mark: The Scope of Protection


In principle, if the mark includes a particular style of lettering, or a design or logo, the mark is considered to be stylized or in special form. In reality, however, not all trademarks employ designs and colors. Trademarks actually come in two flavors: (1) standard character marks and (2) special form marks.


The scope of protection between Word Mark and Design Mark



standard character mark

Special Form Mark



A standard character mark, also known as a “word mark,” consists solely of words, letters, numbers, or a combination thereof.  A word mark makes no claim to design element, stylization of the letters or the numbers, colors or size.


When applying for these types of marks, the trademark would be protected for the core of trademark such as structure, pronunciation and conception of the mark (if any). Registering a trademark in standard characters provides the broadest rights for the trademark owner when the mark primarily consists of words, letters, and numbers. It allows the owner to use those words, letters, and numbers in any manner, i.e. design, without worry about losing the benefits of a trademark registration. However, styles and colors of the marks will not in the scope of protection of the registered mark.


A special form mark, also known as “design mark” comprises stylized words, letters, numbers, or a combination thereof, and/or a design element (i.e., a logo). The design may appear by itself, or combined with the stylized words, letters, and numbers.  


With a stylized mark, the trademark owners are limited to protection for the chosen font, color, or design that you submit to the Trademark Office. Whereas, with a standard character mark, the owner may have protection for the words, letters and numbers comprising your mark in many different forms with various fonts, colors, and designs.


However, when applying for these types of marks, the rights to use the stylized marks would be limited since it does not allow the owner use those mark in any manner. If the owner changes its logo design, color or font, the owner will have to file a new trademark application to protect a future change.


The relationship between Word Mark and Design Mark


- Priority

Whether an earlier standard character mark may be considered as a ground to claim priority for applying for this mark in a special form mark? The answer is no because the basic to claim priority is based on the same mark applied for (it means that two marks applied for are identical). On the contrary, an earlier stylized mark may be a basic to claim priority for applying for the mark in stander mark sine the impact of the rights to use of these types of marks broadly.


- A legal basis for refusal of protection

Whether an earlier standard character mark may be considered as a cited mark to refuse protection of the mark in a special form mark? The answer is no because two marks are displayed in different manners, not considered to be identical.


 - A proof of use                                                                                   

Whether a standard character mark may be considered as a proof of use of the mark in a special form mark? The answer is no because a special form mark actually does not use. On the contrary, a stylized mark may be a proof of use of the mark in stander mark sine the impact of the rights to use of these types of marks broadly.




Vietnam law does not provide on the scope of protection of the standard character mark and the special form mark. However, in practice, the right of standard character mark owner as well as the relationship between Word Mark and Design Mark are applied almost the same as the above.  




About Pham & Associates

Pham & Associates is an intellectual property law firm in Vietnam. We provide counsel and representation in every area of patents, trademarks, copyrights, enforcement of intellectual property rights as well as their representation in arbitration and litigation proceedings etc. For further information about our organization and services, please visit our website: www.pham.com.vn

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