
Applied-for mark “FIS Financial Insurance Service,figure” is being partially opposed

Ground: Articles 74.2(e) and 112, IP Law

Fidelity National Information Services, Inc., the owner of Intl’ Reg.No.1610152 “FIS” and  “FIS logo”, designating Vietnam, for products/services in 09, 35, 36 and 42 has petitioned with the IP Vietnam to partially oppose the applied-for mark No.4-2020-39923 “FIS Financial Insurance Service,figure”  sought for registration for services ““business management consulting services; commercial consulting services; business operation consulting services…” in Class 35  on the ground of  confusing similarity to the earlier marks “FIS” and “FIS logo” which have been widely used in the world and in Vietnam for financial technology products and corporate risk management services...

The case is being reviewed by the IP Vietnam./.

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